Happy Friday! We made it through another week. I believe, but do you believe? Do you believe that whatever you are believing for will happen? Do you believe that God heard your prayers? Do you believe that God has seen your tears? Do you believe that God is doing great work within you first? Do you believe that God will turn it around for your good? Sis, when it’s hard, trust God. Sis, when you can’t see your way, trust God. Sis when life is lifeing, trust God. Sis, believe that God honors His promises. I don’t know when, but I do believe that He can not and will not lie. So, if He said it, you can rest easy that it’s going to happen. His word does not return void. May your greatest fears, become the avenue that causes you to believe that God can and He will do it for you. May your day be as amazing as you are and always remember that you are loved. Until Monday…..Lady T
Girl, wake up! It’s Winning Wednesday! Today, check your circle. Check on the ones who give you advice and the ones you share with. Make sure they are encouraging you to be a better woman and not a bitter woman. Your conversation should be more than critiquing another woman. Your conversation should be more than what’s going on in someone else home. Your conversation should be uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring you to be a better woman, a better wife, a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, and so much more. Your circle should be filled with prayer. We have enough going on in the world. We have too much to do rather than tear another woman down. We have too much life to live, aspirations to fulfill, and goals to set. Don’t get caught up in the negativity, but be open to sharing positivity and kindness. We not only influence our circle, but our daughters are watching our every move. Allow your circle to pray with you, pour into you, and most of all hold you accountable. You should want your circle to inspire you to be better and not bitter. Have an amazing day and always remember that you are loved! Until Friday…Lady T
Happy Monday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Today, focus on what you do have versus what you don’t have. Don’t allow the cares of this world to hinder you from seeing the blessing before you. No, you may not have everything that you think you want, but God has blessed you beyond measure. God has opened many doors for you. God has provided all that you need. God has allowed your name to be mentioned in a room that you were not privy to. God has kept your family. God has allowed you to live the life that you dreamed of. Don’t allow what consumes you to hinder you. Don’t allow what overtakes you to keep you from growing. Sis, God has given you more than enough. Choose to find the good in today. Choose to believe that God has greater coming. Choose to believe that God is not done with you yet. There is so much more to your story. Wake up and know that all that you needed God hand has provided. Sis, always remember that you are loved, and always know you are simply amazing! Until Wednesday….Lady T
Happy Friday! We made it through another amazing week. Today, I pray that you do the work to heal. I pray that you heal from:
-Every negative word spoken about you and to you; -The childhood trauma experienced at an early age: -The woman who still struggles with loving yourself; -The broken heart that causes you to fall to your knees; -The tears you shed when no one was looking; -The hurt and betrayal you experienced from those who said they loved you; -The divorce that almost took you out; -The woman who cried in the car this morning only to show up to work with a smile; -The things that you keep in your heart and tell no one about; -The miscarriage of the life you were carrying; -The child/loved one that left here too soon; -The worry and fears that you have; Sis, I pray that you heal. Life can be full of ups and downs. Life can be full of joy and pain. Sis, I pray that you will do the work to heal. I pray that you will be renewed and revived to keep pressing. I don’t know what you are carrying in your heart. I do know that God is concerned about you. I do know God can and will lift the heavy burdens. I do know God is with you. I do know that in the valley He is there and on the mountaintop, He is there too. Sis, even in the tears or even in the hurt the healing is necessary. Be not dismayed……God will take care of you. Be simply amazing today and always remember that you are loved. Until Monday…Lady T Girl, wake up it’s Monday! Today, we pause to honor the life and legacy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As I began to reflect on his life one word came to my mind. That word was “legacy.” Today, we celebrate a servant leader, a man of great wisdom, a civil rights activist, a husband, a father, a preacher, and so much more. My question for you today is, “What does your legacy look like? What will they say about you? Will the work that you have done speak to you? What have you instilled in your children? What will those who matter most say about you? Today, I encourage you to think about your legacy. Have you completed every dream? Have you instilled nuggets of wisdom to those closest to you? Have you lived a life worthy of a celebration?
This post was filled with numerous questions on purpose. My sister, allow your legacy to be filled with a life well lived, a life filled with service, and a life with every purpose fulfilled. Sis, it’s time to live a life that you would be proud of life. A life that impacts those closest to you. A life that challenged you, but a life that you would be pleased to have lived. Sis, your legacy matters. Your life matters. Your heart of service matters. May the works that you do speak for you! Be simply amazing today and always remember that you are loved. Until Wednesday…..Lady T Happy Friday! Don’t let them make you feel any different. God is still concerned about the things you carry in your heart. Keep pressing and don’t lose heart. Always remember that you are loved. Until Monday……Lady T
Girl, wake up! It’s Winning Wednesday! Today I pray that you will remember that God has your back. No matter who comes or stays, God’s got you. No matter how this year has already begun, God’s got you. In a world filled with so much uncertainty, just know God’s got you. Sis, don’t worry and don’t fret because God’s you. Sis, know that God is your defender and he is fighting on your behalf. Wipe your tears, because God’s got you. Trust in His promises, because God’s got you. Keep going and walk confidently. Why? Because God’s got you. Be the amazing woman that I know you are and always remember that you are loved. Until Friday….Lady T
Happy Monday! I pray that your day is off to a great start! Today, it’s time for you to rid yourself of the superwoman cape. You go and do for so many people, but sis you are tired. You are overwhelmed. You may be told that you handle all things well, but silently you are frustrated and stressed. Sis, take the cape off and rest. Before you move to the next emergency and rescue the day, you need to breathe. You need a break. You need to sleep in. You need to wake up and do absolutely nothing. You need to take a break. Sis, you will not get an award for doing all and being all for everyone. You need to rest like the next person. You need to allow God to be God in your life. Sis, it’s okay to say you need help. It was never God’s design for you to do all things. Take your cape off and rest. Take your cape off and take care of yourself. I need you to pause this week and rest. Always remember that you are loved. Until Wednesday….Lady T
Happy Friday! We made it through another week! What do you need to surrender? What is preventing you from surrendering? Sis, you are not in control anyway. Let go and give it to God. You were never designed to carry it. Don’t allow your need to be in control to hinder you from doing God’s will. Be the amazing woman God has called you to be and always remember that you are loved! Lady T
And I am back to encourage your heart for another Winning Wednesday! Today, please remember that you are not the only one dealing with life. Please remember that even your friends you view as strong are fighting battles they may not ever speak about. Please remember that it’s necessary to be kind. Please remember that you are not alone. Please remember that some days are heavier than others. Please remember that the tears you shed are a seed for the harvest. Please remember that God is greater than any situation you may face. Please remember to pray without ceasing. Please remember that even when you don’t understand, God is still in control. Please remember that God is walking with you every day of your life. Sis, please remember no matter who leaves or who stays, God will never leave you nor forsake you! Sis, it’s building your testimony. Sis, it’s all part of the process.
Now, be the amazing woman that you are, and always remember that you are loved. Until Friday…Lady T |
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