The Light!
Happy Friday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Listen, are you shining bright for Him? Can people see Him within you? Sis, I need you to be a light shining for Him. I need you to show up shining bright for Him. They don’t have to ask, they will see it. They don’t have to question it, they will see it. Carry His love and His message wherever you go. Not only today but every day. Allow your light to shine. Allow your good deeds to speak for you. Allow whatever you do to glorify the Father! Be amazing today on purpose and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday….Lady T
Hapoy Wednesday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Sis, I know you’re tired. I know you are overwhelmed. I know you feel like giving up. Sis, it’s time! It’s time to take the superwoman cape off. You are not going to receive a reward for doing it all. You are going nowhere fast. You are exhausted. You can’t do it all alone. I need you to rest. I need you to show up for yourself like you show up for them. I need you to breathe. I need to you to get the mini vacation. I need you to get the passport. I need you to try new things. I need you to not be so consumed with running errands. It’s time to slow down. It’s time to listen to our bodies. It’s time to know when to say yes or no. Breathe and always remember that you are loved! Until Friday…..Lady T
Happy Monday! How many times have you started on the track and veered into another lane? How many times have you been driving distracted and veering in another lane? Sis, I need you to run your own race. I need you to stay in your lane. I need you to focus on your race and not the next women’s race. Sis, we are all in this race in the journey of life. We can’t focus on our lane and another woman’s lane as well. Sis, stay focused on your own journey. Sis, keep your eyes focused ahead of you. You can’t run your race in someone’s else lane or looking back. Keep running and stay focused! Always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday….Lady T
Happy Friday! What has you anxious? What keeps your worried? God wants you to give it to Him. Sis, whatever your “it” is. It was never designed for you to carry. That’s why it feels heavy. That’s why you feel overwhelmed. Sis, give it to God. Cast your cares up Him! Why? Because He cares for me and you. If He takes care of the birds you hear chirping every morning, then surely He can take care of you. Walk knowing that you can cast it upon Him. Know that He is able to carry the weight. But most of all know that He cares for you. Be amazing today on purpose and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday….Lady T
It’s Wednesday! I want you to sit and reflect on who your grandmother is and what she was to you. She may not have been well known. She may have been a lady who had to clean for others, wash clothes for others, or even cook for others. But, her contribution to your life was significant. She was a true definition of a SHERO! She is/was the living example of the Titus 2 woman.
She may have been a woman of few words or many words. She may have been the first woman you saw read the Bible, pray, and love her church family like her own family. She may have watched you and your siblings during the summer. She cooked the best oatmeal on cold winter mornings. Or she cooked the best fish and grits on Fridays and stewed chicken on Saturday evenings. I thank God for grandmothers. They love us; Hold our hands; Encourage our hearts; Cover us in prayer; Listen to the issues of our hearts; Remind us to treat others as we would want to be treated; Remind us of our worth; Correct us in love; Challenge us to be better; and Push us to go further than they could have ever dreamed of. It’s been over 30 years since I had the blessing of physically talking to my grandmother. She understood me like none other. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. To the young woman that still has her grandmother, I pray that you would cherish every moment with her. Laugh with her, love her, hold her feeble hand, comb her hair, pray for her, glean from her wisdom, and let her know how grateful you are to have her in your life. I am grateful for the prayers of my grandmother. Sis, if she is still here with you be grateful. If she is no longer with you, cherish the memories. Remember, there is nothing like a grandmother’s love. Always remember that you are loved! Until Friday…..Lady T It’s Monday! Just yesterday someone told you what they said about you and reminded you what they did to you. You decided to take matters into your own hands. You allowed the bitterness to take control. Sis, growth is not responding and extending grace. Yep! I know you wanted to tell them how you felt. Yep, I know it’s easier to get it off your chest. But what happens when you have cleared your chest and your mind? Did you feel better? Did you think getting even would make it easier? It probably didn’t.
I know you are saying Lady T, but you don’t know what they did. Sis, I don’t have to know what they did. I know what they said about me, but I still treated them with grace. I know how they treated me, but I still treated them with grace. Do you know how much energy it takes to be upset, mumble, roll your eyes, etc.? Sis, it’s not worth them robbing you of your peace. If it means unfollowing them, then do so. If it means to speak and keep going, then do so. Sis, don’t allow what they said and what they did to halt your blessings because of bitterness and anger in your heart. Sis, I want everything that God has for me and I hope you do too. I dare not allow people to hinder that. Think before you speak or even react and always remember that you are loved! Be amazing today on purpose and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday….Lady T Happy Friday! We made it through another week. So grateful that God’s word will never fail. So grateful that I can rely on what God’s word says. So grateful that God will never fail me or you. So grateful that I can count on the word of God to remain true. I am so glad that I tried Him and I know Him. So happy that God’s word will not change based on a situation. So grateful that when life happens I know one thing that will not change or fail me. Sis, get to know the word of God for yourself. Know that wherever you find yourself, God’s word will not fail. Be amazing on purpose today and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday….Lady T It’s Winning Wednesday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Today, I want to encourage your heart and remind you that “God knows.” God knows what you carry in your heart. God knows the things that weigh heavy upon you. God knows the nights you wet your pillow with tears. God knows the doubts you carry. God knows His will for your life. God knows what keeps you fearful. God knows what keeps you bound. God knows you are praying for your marriage, your children, your aging parents, your siblings, and so much more. God knows things you keep close to your heart. Be encouraged in knowing that God knows and He is concerned about you. Stay the course, keep praying, be courageous, and never give up! Remember, it will not be this way always. Show up today with a different perspective believing that God knows and has not forgotten the promises that were made to you. Always remember that you are loved! Until Friday……Lady T
Happy Monday! I pray that your day is off to a great start! Today, I came to remind you that anything is possible! Who told you it is too late? Who told you it could not be done? Well, if you think it’s too late, it’s not. If you think it can’t be done, it can! Sis, anything is possible. You can pursue the dream. You can crush every goal. You can still believe it. You can still write the book. You can still start the business. You can still do it. Dream again! Believe again! Love again! Trust again! Sis, I need you to write the vision and make it plain! Run with it! Go for it! But, most of all believe in God for it. Be amazing on purpose this week and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday……Lady T
Happy Friday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. This life can be scary. This life can be overwhelming. This life can bring you to tears. This life can bring uncertainty. This life can create fear. But, I am confident in knowing that with all of that going on, I can put my trust in God. Yes! We should be confident in knowing that God is always there. He is walking beside us through it all. Even when we can’t trace Him, we know that He is still there. My sister and my friend, hold on. It will not be this way always. The comfort you should have is knowing that God sees all and knows all. Even during the night season, know that you can trust His word and believe in His promises. Don’t allow fear to create uncertainty with the One who loves you, comforts you, walks alongside you, carries you, forgives you, and so much more. Continue to put your trust in the One who will not let you down. As the song says, “You can depend on God!” Be amazing today on purpose and always remember that you are loved! Sis, be encouraged! Until Monday…….Lady T
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