Girl, I pray God would give you the boldness to believe in you!
Happy Wednesday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Today, I pray that God would endow you with boldness like never before. I pray that you would believe in yourself. I pray that God would remind you that you have what it takes. I pray that you would tap into greatness. I pray that you would walk with boldness. I pray that you would believe in yourself as you do others. I pray that you would step out on faith. Sis, the time is NOW! No more excuses, no more fear, and no more doubt. Sis, it’s your season and it’s your time! Walk knowing that it’s your time and your turn. Be amazing today on purpose and always remember that you are loved! Until Friday….Lady T
Happy Friday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. I pray that you would not lose heart. I pray that you will still believe that good things will happen. No matter what they told you. No matter if they don’t believe. I pray that you would believe that there are still good people in this world. I pray that you would wake up and see goodness. I pray that you wouldn’t doubt what God has promised. Most of all, I pray that you would believe that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Walk with purpose today and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday….Lady T
Happy Wednesday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. The message is short today, “Girl, just keep going. You are doing an amazing job!” Always remember that you are loved! Until Friday….Lady T
Sis, wake up and try again!
Happy Monday! I pray that your day is off to an amazing week! Yep, last week could have been hard. Yep, just yesterday could have been even harder. But, I need you to wake up and try again. Who told you it would be easy? Who told you if you failed to stay there? Well, sis, they were incorrect. Failure creates the opportunity to try again even better than ever. This morning, get out of bed and try again. No one ever achieved their goals attempting at it once. Sis, don’t be so hard on yourself. Shake it off and try again! I pray that self-doubt and fear no longer live inside you or near you. Don’t allow what you saw as a failure, to hold you hostage to your future. When your feet hit the floor, just know that today could be the day! Wake up knowing that it’s worth trying again. Always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday…..Lady T Happy Friday! We made it through another week! If you have been following me for a while you know end my blogs by reminding the reader they are loved. The greatest love that we have received is the gift of eternal life. The greatest sacrifice is that God sent his one and only son, to die for us. There is no greater love than that. There is no greater sacrifice than that.
Even when you didn’t love yourself; even when you were caught up in your stuff; but through it ALL, God still loves you. You don’t have to search for it, you are already loved. You don’t have to figure it out, you are already loved. You don’t have to show up perfectly, you are already loved. You don’t have to show up with the mask, you are already loved. Sis, just in case you forgot. Just in case you drifted from the One who loves you despite it all. What kind of love is this? This kind of love only comes from God our Father. So, the next time you see or hear me say, “Always remember that you are loved!”, you now know the meaning behind it all. It’s refreshing to know that I am already loved and most of all that I will always be loved! Be amazing today on purpose and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday….Lady T❤️ Because God, prayer, purpose, and persistence brought me this far!
Happy Wednesday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Did you think you made it this far on your own? Did you think it was your own might and/or strength? Listen, I couldn’t leave God out of the equation. I couldn’t leave prayer, purpose, and persistence out of the equation. With God all things are possible. I realized first and foremost, I needed Him. Then, I realized that prayer was key. Without prayer, I would be wandering in the world. Purpose kept me going. I know what God has placed inside of me, but I just had to tap into purpose. I had to tap into purpose without fear. See fear will keep you bound from pursuing purpose. Lastly, I know that persistence was the key. It’s so easy to give up. It’s so easy to allow life to prevent us from moving forward. Even if it didn’t work one way, I knew I just had to be persistent and not give up. Sis, I do know what you are sitting on. I don’t know what God has called you to do. I don’t know what fear has whispered in your ear. I don’t know who told you that you aren’t enough. I just need you to keep God first and add prayer, purpose, and persistence to the mix. Watch God grow what has been birthed inside of you. Be amazing on purpose and always remember that you are loved! Until Friday…..Lady T Happy Monday! It’s a new week with a fresh start! It’s a chance to start all over again. It’s a chance to press forward. It’s a chance to remember that greater is coming. It’s a chance to work on what didn’t work last week. It’s a chance to try it a different way. Just because last week didn’t go your way, it’s okay. It may be God’s way of redirecting you. It’s God’s way of saying, my daughter, I got you. Sis, don’t dwell on what happened last week. Look forward to this week. Look forward to knowing it’s all working together for your good. Look forward to knowing that God is still in control. Sis, don’t give up this week. Keep pursuing greatness, purpose, and destiny. Don’t allow what happened last week to control this week. Girl hit the reset button! Be absolutely amazing this week and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday….Lady T
Happy Friday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Today, who do you need to forgive? What is holding you, hostage, from forgiving? Did you know that forgiveness is not only for them but you too? It frees you from holding onto stuff. Sis, holding all that unforgiveness in your heart is not good for your emotional or your physical health. I am not saying that it will be easy, but what I am saying is that it will be worth it. So many times we allow unforgiveness to keep us from moving forward. Sis, I don’t know about you, but I want all God has for me. I don’t want to allow people, places, and things from hindering me to walk in the fullness of life. God has forgiven you so many times. You know how many times you said you would not do it again and you did. Like you ask God for forgiveness, extend forgiveness or allow the individual who offended you to ask for forgiveness. Don’t allow stuff to hinder you from glowing and growing. Today, I encourage you to extend forgiveness or receive forgiveness. Be amazing on purpose and always remember that you are loved! Lady T Happy Wednesday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Today, I want to remind you that you are an amazing mom. You are worthy to be celebrated. You are worthy to be appreciated. You are worthy to be seen. You are worthy to be loved. Today, I came to remind you that you are enough. Give yourself some grace. Give yourself some room to not have it correct all the time. Permit yourself to rest. Give yourself chances to still grow and learn. Give yourself a chance to breathe. We have so many hats to wear. We are often overwhelmed with keeping the house spotless, cooking every day, being the parental taxi, showing up for work, taking care of elderly parents, and so much more. I just want to you know that you are amazing! If you sit this weekend and do absolutely nothing, you deserve to do so. Keep being the amazing mom that I know you are. I just want you to know I see you and it looks good on you. Be amazing on purpose today and always remember that you are loved! Until Friday…..Lady T
Happy Monday! I pray that your week is off to an amazing start. I need you to wake up and get out of your own way. You have stopped yourself from being successful. You have stopped yourself from showing up and never giving up! You have stopped yourself from believing. You have stopped yourself from living your purpose-filled life. Sis, the self-doubt stops today, and believing in yourself starts today. Don’t allow what you can’t see to hinder you. Don’t allow your own self-talk of fear and doubt to hinder you. Sis, get out of your own way. Today is a good day to tap into the greatness within. Today is a good day to stop and allow yourself to be the stumbling block. Sis, God has equipped you with everything that you need. Don’t doubt what God wants to do in your life. Be amazing on purpose today. Always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday….Lady T
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