Happy Monday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. Remember when you were a little girl, they told you what you can’t do. Remember it was a family member, a teacher, a classmate, or even a church member. Sis, you made it! You were determined not to allow your environment to determine your life. Guess what? You did an amazing job. You preserved through and you excelled. It doesn’t matter how you start, but what matters most is how you finish. You are amazing! You are determined! You are simply amazing! When others say you can’t, you accepted the challenge and said you can. It looks good on you and I am so proud of you. May your Monday be as magnificent as you are and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday……..Lady T
Happy Friday! Has being comfortable become uncomfortable? Has familiar become unfamiliar? Well, I came to let you know this today that God wants to do a new thing in your life. If it was comfortable and familiar, then it wouldn’t be new. God is opening doors, creating new places, and so much more. This is what you prayed for. Don’t allow familiar prevent the new thing from taking place in your life. God is making ways through the desert and streams in an unused place. Sis, this is the moment you have been praying for. He had to make you uncomfortable for you to realize it’s a “New Thing” and it’s for His glory! May you Friday be filled with transformative moments in your New Place! Always remember that you are loved! Until Monday…..Lady T💕
Happy Wednesday! It’s another day and another to believe that there is greatness within each of you. I want you to hold on. I know you cried yourself to sleep last night and woke up this morning with your eyes filled with tears. I know you are concerned about your marriage. I know you are concerned about what’s next for your children. I know life seems hard right now. I know your anxiety is at an all-time high. I know you are doubting your goals and dreams. I know the doctor’s report has you questioning how much more. My sister and my friend, hold on! It’s always darkest right before the break of day. It’s going to happen for you and ALL work together for your good. I need to you hold fast to the promises of God. I need you to know when you are weak, God is your strength. He has not vacated the journey, He is right there with you through it all. Sis, don’t doubt, only believe. Sis, do not grow weary for in due season, you shall reap if you faint not. It’s about to happen for you! Don’t give up and hold on! May your day be filled with sweet reminders that God has not forgotten about YOU! Always remember that you are loved! Until Friday…..Lady T
Happy Monday! In a world where it’s easy to alter who we are to feel some sense of belonging. In a world where it’s easy to try to change our look to fit in. In a world where women in their later years are still struggling with who they are. In a world where not showing up as your authentic self is accepted. Girl, be comfortable in the skin you are in. God created you for a unique purpose. Believe me, the world only needs one of you. Embrace yourself! Love yourself! Celebrate yourself! But most of all, be comfortable always being you. May your Monday be as marvelous as you are and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday…..Lady T
Happy Friday! I pray that your day is off to a great start! This scripture is so encouraging. Your heart and your flesh may fail, but God will be the strength of your heart and your portion forever. No matter what is happening around you, God will be your strength. No matter what the doctor’s report said, God will be your strength. When your marriage may be falling apart, God will be your strength. When your life is not going as planned, God will be your strength. When life and motherhood are overwhelming, God will be your strength. Don’t forget God will be your portion forever as well. According to Webster’s dictionary, a portion is defined as a part of a whole. God will be the part that makes you whole forever, no matter what you are faced with. May your day be filled with sweet reminders that God will be your strength and your portion forever. Always remember that you are loved! Until Monday…Lady T
Happy Wednesday! This is just a friendly reminder to keep pressing. I know you are tired and weary but keep pressing. It’s okay to rest, but after you rest keep going. I know that weariness is weighing you down, but my sister keep pressing. The press means you will continue to push through every test and every obstacle. Because when you press, the blessing is waiting for you. See the pressing causes you to appreciate the blessing even more. The pressing causes your faith to remain activated. The pressing causes you to trust the process and not rush the process. The pressing causes you to persevere and never give up. My sister whatever you do, don't give up and don't give in. Greater is waiting for you. May your Wednesday be as wonderful as you are and always remember that you are loved. Until Friday.....Lady T
Happy Monday! The message is simple this week. Breathe, sit back, and allow God to take control. Every time you try to do it in your strength and might, you come up short. Sis, it’s easy to give up control when you know who is in control. Thanking God that in those moments when I tried to control the narrative, He never gave up on me. Even in my need to be in control, He gently reminded me that He in is control of ALL things! May your Monday be a sweet reminder of who is in complete control not only of you but ALL things. Always remember that you are loved. Until Wednesday…..Lady T
Happy Friday! How many times have you opened your mouth first and thought about what you said later? How many times did you come back to apologize? When will you realize your words affect others? Words do hurt. No one wants to be known as an individual that says whatever comes to their mind. Think before you speak. You can build someone up or tear them down. You have to ability to speak life into someone’s goals or completely crush their goals. You have to ability to encourage someone’s heart or break someone’s heart. Don’t be known as the person who is careless with their words. May you inspire and uplift someone today and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday….Lady T
It’s time for families to get back together and be restored. It can be a marital relationship, parental relationship or a sibling relationship, God wants to see that relationship flourish. At the end of the day, family will always have your back. God designed and established the family. God didn’t create us to bicker among each other, but HE commanded us to love one another. That includes your family too. God wants to mend and restore the family. It may have happened yesterday or ten years ago, you need to be free and move on. It is unhealthy and detrimental to your walk with Christ, when you harbor unforgiveness in your heart.
God is love and we should reflect HIS character. Your husband is doing the best he can with what he has, your parents did the best they could with what was given to them, your siblings are afraid to make the first step in seeking forgiveness and your child needs to know they are loved. Don’t be afraid to make the first step. What situation is holding you back from seeking forgiveness? I believe God wants to see the family flourish and prosper. Don’t allow one incident from five or ten years ago prevent you from having a relationship with family. Always remember that you are loved! Until Friday.....Lady T Happy Monday! Just came to remind you that you are graced for this journey. I know it looks hard to some, but God has prepared your heart and your mind. I know you feel defeated, but you are graced for this. I know you are wondering what’s next, but you are graced for this. I know you feel like giving up, but you are graced for this. Breathe and trust what God is doing in this season of your life. You have been graced with your “yes” to God’s will for your journey. Listen, sis, if it was anyone else, they would have given up by now. Because you have been equipped and graced for this part of the journey, don’t give up and don’t grow weary! Girl, you got this. Be confident and remember that you are graced for this. Always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday…..Lady T
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