Happy Friday! I am grateful for the peace that only comes from God. The perfect peace that will allow me to rest and know that it is well. The perfect peace that allows me to trust that ALL things are working together for my good. The perfect peace that allows me to rest because He never sleeps nor slumbers, which means He is always on guard. The perfect peace that keeps my mind stayed on the One who can solve the problem. Thank you for providing the peace that only comes from you. Thank you for being God! May your day be filled with sweet reminders of what perfect peace looks like. Always remember that you are loved! Until Monday…..Lady T
It’s another Wednesday! Another day to love, live, and laugh without limits. Sis, I see that you are glowing and growing. Don’t allow you or anyone else dim your glow and stop your growth. You have invested in yourself this time. I am so proud of you. You took the losses and use it for growth. You took the dark days and use it to glow up. Guess what? I see it and it looks good on you. The dark days were to tell someone you know what it feels like and how God brought you to shine brighter than ever. The hard seasons were for you to trust God and what His word says about you. Sis, it’s a beautiful thing. I know what it feels to show up dim and stagnate. But I do know what prayer, reading your Bible, and believing in you can do. While you are glowing and growing, don’t forget to grab another lady’s hand to remind her that she can do it too. Always remember that you are loved. Until Friday…….Lady T
Happy Monday! I pray that your week is off to a fabulous start. Girl, speak up for another woman when she is not in the room. You know it's not her character. You know she doesn’t carry herself in that manner. You know that is not who she shows up in the world as. Sis, don’t allow what people say to taint the way you see another woman, especially if you know the kind of woman that she is. Be bold enough to speak for her. Be courageous enough to cease the conversation. We don’t win by tearing each other down, but we win as women by uplifting one another. Be that woman today and always. It’s enough to fight in this world, but knowing that your sister has your back. Knowing that she will shut it down before it becomes messy and ugly. That’s what sisters do. We speak up for one another. May your voice be heard today in a room where the conversation gets a little messy. Be the voice to speak up for another woman. Be the woman who speaks up for another’s woman character and integrity. Always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday…..Lady T
Happy Friday! So thankful that the Good Shepherd looks out for you and me. Grateful that because of who He is I shall not lack anything. I don’t have to plead and I don’t have to beg. He has supplied every need that I had and will continue to have. He sees me, He knows me, and He cares all about me. Thank you for being the Shepherd who looks out for His sheep. Thank you that you have everything that I need. Thankful that the Lord has looked out of me and you and taken care of me and you. May your day be filled with gratitude knowing that it was the Lord that provided for you and your family. Always remember that you are loved! Until Monday….Lady T
Happy Wednesday! I pray that your day is off to a great start. I need you to stop allowing YOU to get in YOUR own way. It’s not what others say about us, but what we tell ourselves. Girl, it’s the way you see yourself. It’s the way you feel others see you. It’s your thoughts that consume your head space. Girl, get out of your own way! The time is NOW. You believe the lies you told yourself. You doubt yourself. You speak negatively about yourself and to yourself. Sis, it’s time to launch the business, join the fitness class, build confidence, and see yourself the way that God sees you. His word says that “you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” I believe in you, but I need you to believe. Listen, if no one else is cheering, I AM! I need you to walk in love with yourself. I need you to know who you are and whose you are. May your week be filled with positive affirmations of how you see yourself. Always remember that you are loved! Until Friday…..Lady T
Happy Monday! How many times have you delayed believing in yourself? How many times have you doubted the plans for your life? Sis, it’s time to get up and follow your dreams. You have delayed yourself and created every scenario possible as to why you can’t move forward. You have literally allowed fear to keep you stagnant. It’s time to wake up and follow your dreams. It’s time to pursue your heart’s desire. No more excuses! No more delays! Today is a good day to launch out and pursue it. Fear will keep you in bondage and bound. It’s time to be free to follow God’s plans for your life. May your day be presented with open doors to believe in yourself and dream again. Always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday….Lady T
Happy Friday! I am forever grateful that He lifted my head. I am confident because the Lord himself lifted my head. When attacks came against me, He was my shield. When I felt like I had nothing left to give, He was my glory. But, at the end of it all, He lifted my head. So many times, we become frustrated in this journey. But if we would only look up and remember that it may be hard right now, it will not be this way always. Grateful that on my weariest day, He rescued me from myself and my emotions. The lifting of my head gives me the confidence needed to stay in the journey of life. I pray that you would always remember the One who lifted your head and lifted you out of the pit of despair. May your day be filled with reminders that you are not alone in the journey. May you always remember to look up and be encouraged. Always remember that you are loved! Until Monday….Lady T
No Perfection Here….
Good morning and it’s Wednesday! The middle of the week. Most of us call this “hump day!” I pray that your day is off to a great start. I came to remind you that God is not looking for perfection, but willing vessels. Perfection should not be our end goal. No one is perfect, but the Father. However, He wants to use you! You? Yes, He wants to use you for His glory right where you are. Whoever told you that you need to have to it all together did not speak truth. Guess what? They didn’t have it all together and still don’t. It’s all about using the giftings that God has placed within you. You are called to do great things. Guess what? God can use you right where you are. It is my prayer that you would open your heart to be a vessel for Him today. Not saying everything in your life must be perfect and you will continue to mess you. That’s the beauty of it all. He knows and He still wants to use you to encourage others, minister to others, pray with others, and so much more. Will you choose perfection? Or will you allow Him to use you right where you are? It is my prayer that you will choose the latter. May your day be filled with sweet reminders that God can use you now for His glory. Always remember that you are loved! Until Friday…Lady T Girl, there will never be another you!
Happy Monday! I pray that your day is off to an amazing start. As much as others may attempt to duplicate who you are, they can’t! Why? Because there is only one you and there will never be another you. Yes, you may have some of your mom’s or dad’s features. But God only created one of you. Embrace yourself, love yourself, take care of yourself, and be good to yourself! Why? We only get to live this life one time. You are uniquely created by God’s design. You are not designed to look like everyone else. Girl, remind yourself today, that there you may be imitated, but never duplicated. May your day be filled with opportunities for you to allow your uniqueness to shine and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday…..Lady T It’s Friday! Don’t give up and be encouraged. Because Jesus conquered it all, you are an overcomer. He didn’t say this life would be easy. He didn’t say that there wouldn’t be weary days. He reminded you that you will have trouble in this world. He did say be encouraged because He has overcome the world. Knowing what Jesus did for you and me, I am encouraged to know that no matter what it looks like, I can press a little further. I have hope and I am encouraged to stay in the race. My sister, please do not give up! You have come too far to turn around now. There is nothing that can’t be handled by the One who paid it all. At the cross, at the cross…May your Friday be filled with sweet reminders of what perseverance looks like. Always remember that you are loved! Until Monday…..Lady T
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