Happy Wednesday! What occurred in 2020 that currently has you bound? What sickness took place? What heartbreak occurred? What promotion were you promised and never received? Who promised they would change only to keep doing the same thing over and over? Who told you that you were not going to make it? What fear paralyzed you from taking the leap? My sister and my friend, it’s time to let it go! As we come to the close of another year, we must realize that there was purpose to everything that occurred. I know it hurts and I know that life looks hard right now. I know that you feel like you have cried more this year than any year. I know your year was planned and life’s interruptions occurred. I know your heart is broken right now, but with time it will heal. I know you wanted the promotion, but you must believe that God can see what we cannot. I know sickness overtook your body, but with HIS stripes you are healed.
I know, sister, I know...... life happens to us all. But, we cannot dwell there. We must move forward and let it go. Yes, it hurts. Yes, you cried. Yes, you walked the floors all night long. My friend, please remember there is freedom in letting go. Allow God to heal those places that still hurt. Allow God to do what man cannot. My sister and my friend, be free and let it go! On Friday, we will be entering a new year! Walk into 2021 with freedom and with a clear mind that you have let it all go. Leave 2020 in the past of your story and embrace all that 2021 has for you! Have an amazing day and always remember that you are loved! Until Friday....Lady T
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Happy Monday! Do you realize your tenacity and the strength of God has pushed you this far? In moments where you should have given up, you did not. In moments where you were overwhelmed, you allowed God’s strength to carry you through. If they knew what you have been through, they would have given up a long time ago. My sister and my friend, I know that journey has not always been easy. I know you have cried most days and nights. I know you were searching for your identity. I am grateful that you didn’t give up. I am grateful that your story encourages and inspires others to be their best self. I am grateful that you didn’t give up. I am grateful that your determination kept you moving. Remember, there is much more to do and life to live. On days when you feel defeated, look up and remember that it was God and your will to survive that has brought you this far! My friend, keep your will and determination! It looks good on you my sister! Have an amazing week and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday....Lady T
From My House To Your House, Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season! Have an amazing day and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday.....Lady T
As We Prepare For Christmas………
Happy Wednesday! Many of us are preparing to celebrate Christmas on Friday! We have purchased gifts, created a menu and so much more. This year Christmas may look different for some of us. Like previous holidays, there will be no large family gatherings. There will be no gift exchange between relatives. There will be no laughter of family in one place. There will be no reminiscing of childhood memories. Even if none of this takes place, I do want you to remember that it’s more to the season than gift giving. This is the day we observe the birth of Jesus Christ. There will be families separated because of COVID-19. There will be families who have struggled to provide gifts for the kids. There will be families who will have an empty seat at the table. There will be people dealing with anxiety and depression. There will be people who are afraid and lonely. Do not become so consumed with gift giving that we forget to share the real reason for the season. Do not forget to check in on your loved ones, especially those who are elderly and live alone. Be the gift that keeps on giving! Feed the hungry, bless those in need and do not forget to share the love of Christ during this season. Please be cautious as you move throughout the holidays. You have to believe that one day soon, we will return to some normalcy. As my Pastor always says, “partner your faith with wisdom!” Be safe and enjoy your holiday. Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season! Have an amazing day and always remember that you are loved! Until Friday...Lady T Happy Monday! I came to remind you that you are smarter than you think. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are not only beautiful, but an intelligent woman. Don’t doubt yourself and don’t believe the lies that others tell you. Yes, girl, you deserve a seat at the table. Your thoughts and ideas are worth sharing and actually very innovative. Never believe what you can’t do and always believe that you can do anything that is presented before you! Girl, start the business and be the entrepreneur! You have potential, visions and dreams! Believe that your creative idea has been purposed for this moment in time! Have an amazing week and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday.....Lady T
Happy Friday! I came to remind you that your thoughts matter. The way you think about situations and the way you view life matters. Don’t allow negativity to crowd your thoughts. When negative thoughts arise, please turn your thoughts to those that are true, honorable, right and pure. It’s so easy to be negative, but it’s much easier to allow your thoughts to be fixed on positivity. So, the next time those negative thoughts crowd your mind, please remember that God encourages us to focus on the positive in every situation. It is my prayer that you would be free from the negative thoughts you tell yourself, others and the situations that crowd your mind! My sister and my friend, focus on the things that are positive and being at peace! Have an amazing weekend and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday....Lady T
Remember When............
There are times when you need to be reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Remember that time when HE healed your body; remember that time when HE prevented that accident.; remember that time when HE restored your marriage; remember that time when HE brought your child/children back home safely; remember that time when HE was there when you cried all night long; remember that time when everyone else walked away and HE was a friend like no other; remember that time when life happened and HE brought you out; remember that time when your heart was broken and HE mended it back together again; remember that when you were overwhelmed and HE was your Rock and Strong-tower; remember that time when all of your strength was depleted and HE renewed your strength; remember that time when you thought you were going to lose it all and HE was a keeper and sustainer of your mind and thoughts; remember that time when the gossip was more than you can handle and HE was your defender; remember when you were worried and fearful and HE was your peace. So many times, when life takes us on a detour, we forget the faithfulness of God. We allow circumstances and situations to change our trust in knowing who brought us out last time. The next time you feel depleted, overwhelmed, attacked, lonely, scared, fearful, confused, etc., allow a memory to come across your mind. Just like Facebook shares memories with its user, we should have a memory of what God has done for us! HE has been too faithful to us for us to give up now! Have an amazing day and always remember that you are loved! Until Friday……….Lady T Happy Monday! I wanted to remind you that you are amazing! Many times, we never realize how amazing we are. We walk with our heads held down and deal with self-confidence and low self-esteem. Girl, you must realize that you have everything you need to be successful. You are smart! You are more than enough! You have purpose! You are powerful! You have been equipped with what you need to make it. I encourage you today to realize the amazing gifts and talents that God has placed inside of you! Like I have said before, there will never be another you! Many may try to mimic themselves after you, but you, yes you girl, are one of kind and absolutely amazing! Have an amazing week and always remember that you are loved! Until Wednesday.......Lady T
Happy Friday! Who has been walking the floors all night long? Who has cried themselves to sleep last night? Who is wondering what decision or step to make next? Who is just overwhelmed by the current state of our world? Who said Lord if one more situation arises, then I do not know if I will make it? Today, I want to encourage you to take a deep breath and look to the hills from where your help comes from. Do you realize you didn’t make it on your own? Do you realize that even if you tried, you would mess it up every time? In times of distress, it can be hard to remember where our help comes from. So, the next time you find yourself stressed in the moment and your heart is overwhelmed, please remember to look into the hills because it was the Lord who brought you out last time. Have an amazing weekend and always remember that you are loved! Until Monday......Lady T
Do you realize how influential you are? Do you realize that you have the ability to change and shape the world around you? The change may not be notionally or state wide recognized. The change can literally start with your village. What would be more impactful than influencing those who see you everyday? You have the power to influence your daughter to become a better version of herself. You have the power to influence the life of a little girl. There is a little girl somewhere watching your every move. Will you show up for her or will you allow her to look to the world for influence? You have the power to influence the life of family members. It maybe your sister, cousin and even your mother or aunt. They are watching you and thinking if she did it, then I am even more convinced that I can conquer anything.
Those closest to you know the true version of your story (good, bad and ugly). Never be ashamed of your story and never be ashamed of your mistakes and detours. Allow the mistakes and detours to become a lesson for you and those around you. You have the power to influence your sister circle. Yes, your girlfriends are watching and trying to figure out how your balance it all. Taking no credit for yourself and realizing that it was God’s strength that brought you this far. Hence, the reason you are able to juggle everything and keep pressing. Girl, there is so much inside of you. You have to believe that in every room you walk in you bring something amazing to the table. You have to believe that your thoughts and ideas matter. You have to believe that your presence is more than enough. You have to believe it does not matter where you were raised and the color of your skin. You are more than enough! You are a powerful and influential woman! We do not have time to conform to the world, but change the world. You are more influential than think! Be simply amazing today because you are destined for greatness. Have an amazing day and always remember that you are loved! Lady T |
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